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I am because we are

Connecting with others / I AM BECAUSE WE ARE


Finally, we want to share with you what we are trying to achieve through our café, the 3331 Cafe Ubuntu concept "I AM BECAUSE WE ARE", a 2008 documentary produced by Madonna and directed by Nathan Lisman about AIDS orphans in Malawi. The title of the book. The word "UBUNTU" was coined by Desmond Tutu, a South African theologian and non-apartheid activist who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984, to describe in English the meaning of the word "UBUNTU.”

The café is located in Arts Chiyoda 3331, an art centre that attracts artists and creators from around the country and the world, and also serve as a place of relaxation for local people. Art is not only about the object of appreciation, but also about the collaboration between artists and citizens in tackling local issues. The process itself becomes art. This is what we call community art, and 3331 is a place that embodies this.

3331 Cafe Ubuntu is located close to the entrance, facing the main gallery, community space and shops. We hope that this hub of 3331 will be a catalyst for people to connect with each other and share "I AM BECAUSE WE ARE" with each and every visitor.

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3331 Arts Chiyoda, SUITE105

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